The National Model Railraod Association, Inc. advances the global scale model railroading community through education, advocacy, standards, and social interaction. Our club, the Metrolina Model Railroaders is a 100% NMRA member club, which means in order to be a member of our club, you must also be a member of the NMRA. It is okay if you are not currently a member of the NMRA and wish to join our club. Part of your dues to become a member of our club will include your NMRA membership which we can submit for you. To learn more about NMRA, click the link near the top of this paragraph or click on their logo below:

My husband, Rob, and I are downsizing and have a lot of modeling supplies from when he had an HO layout: balsa wood, metal rods and pipes, plexiglass, styrene I-bars, packages of K&S metal sheeting, miniature metal channel beams, etc. Really good stuff for a serious model maker.
Do you know of anyone who might be interested in buying the lot for $40? They would need to come to our house in Cabarrus County to pick it up.
Please contact us if you know of anyone. Thanks, Barbara Whaley
Hello Mrs. Whaley,
On behalf of the Metrolina Model Railroader’s, we appreciate you contacting us. I am simply the web-master, but I will forward your message for review by all the club members. I also model my own layouts and I’m personally interested in your offering. Let me see if the club has in interest first and if not, I’ll be glad to correspond with you with my own personal interest.
Thank you.
My parents are also downsizing and have an HO layout and a larger one featuring G-Scale around the perimeter and O-Scale for most of the inner layout. They live in Indian Land, SC and are looking to sell most of their model railroad things. Please email me if you have any interest, as I have photos of the layouts, etc.
Hello Ms. Karen,
On behalf of the Metrolina Model Railroader’s, thank you for your comment and notifying us of your parent’s layout. I will present this to the club, however, it is unlikely that the club would be interested in buying the layout(s) themselves. The reason Mrs. Whaley’s offer was well received is that she is offering materials that we can use to maintain our existing layouts. Nonetheless, we do have individual members like myself that may be interested.
If your parents have other train items such as train cars, building’s, locomotives, etc. those might be of interest to us and definitely to me. In fact, had you notified us earlier your parents could have benefited from consigning their items at a train show that is being held tomorrow. Visit this link and share it with them if you have the time: I’m actually heading to set-up for this event right now. I’ll be back around 8 PM. And while it is late, if your parents wish to make available some of their items they reply to that ad and I will contact them when I get back this evening and if arrangements can be made to pickup or have someone deliver the items, then I may be able to put them up for sale tomorrow in an environment where they are very likely to sell.
Either way, best of success to you in assisting them with the items and thanks again for your post.
Thank you.
Ps: The train club is operating our layout at the North Carolina Transportation Museum for the Bunny Express event they are having today and tomorrow…
I have an American Flyer Train Set that has been in the attic for some 60 years and thought numerous moves around the country. I had hoped to use it with grand children, but no indication that will happen.
Would like to pass it on to a club that enjoys working with and displays this type of train set in their community. I’d be happy to donate this set to an organization that would put the train set (or what is still usable and working) to such a use.
Any advise that would help enable me to pass-on this train set (with lots of personal memories attached) would be much appreciated.
I can forward a pdf file of what is in the set.
Don, Charlotte, NC
[contact info removed from public view by webmaster]
On behalf of the Metrolina Model Railroaders, we thank you for your interest.
I will pass the message on to the membership and let them decide. Someone will be in touch soon at the email address you provided.
Web Master
Mr. Turrell,
The response from other members in our club regarding your willingness to donate your American Flyer Train Set is as follows:
American Flyer Trains are referred to as S scale size trains. Neither the MMRR club nor any of its members models in S scale. There used to be an S scale club called the Atlantic S Gaagers. This link is the only viable information I can quickly locate for them. You may fair much better attempting to donate your train set to them.
Thank you and best of success in your endeavor.
Henry, Webmaster
Thanks for the wonderful guide
You’re welcome!
You’re welcome.
I have a bunch of HO parts for kit bashing I would like to donate. [Phone number removed by webmaster.]
Mr. Feldmann,
We have a train club meeting in several hours and I will present your donation offer to the club and respond accordingly.
Hi! The NC Museum of Dolls, Toys & Miniatures is located in Spencer across from the NC Transportation Museum. We were gifted an amazing train layout and we are in search of volunteers who can help us maintain this amazing 5 train display. Would your club be able to help us? Thank you so much for considering. We’d love for you to visit!
Thank you on behalf of the MMRR. I must say that we are in Spencer a lot and frequent Little Choo Choo. I personally am not familiar with your museum nor do I believe the club has the resources to VOLUNTEER to assist you. However, we do have a club meeting tonight and I will present your request to the club.
where and when do you have your meetings? I’m interested in joining .
Mr. Peters,
During our normal schedule, we meet 4 times a month on 2nd and 4th Thursday’s and Sunday’s of the month. I will forward your message to the secretary and he will reach out to you with the next meeting’s time and location.
We appreciate your interest and look forward to meeting you.
I Love Trains
Henry, I have collected N and HO gauge equipment over the years that I have, because of space, not been able to use. I will give all of it to someone that is interested.
Hello Mr. Caldwell,
Thank for your comment and interest in donating your trains to whomever is interested. If they are still available, let us know and suggest a time and place for us to either pick them up from you or some availability in which you might wish to bring them to one of us.
Henry on behalf of the MMRR
I am new to the model railroading hobby and am interested in finding out more about the club and joining. Can I get information on meetings and such?
Hello Mr. Culpan,
We are always open to receiving new members. Normally, we meet 4 times a month on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays and Sundays of the month. The location varies. If you like, we can add you to our email list and you can receive emails indicating where we will be.
Yesterday, 9/26/2019 is a date in which we normally would have been meeting. However, we are operating our FB&C layout at the North Carolina Transportation Museum today, Saturday and Sunday as well as these same 3 days next weekend during their Day Out With Thomas Steam Team Tour event. Because of that schedule, it would have been a bit much to meet 4 times this week so we did not meet Thursday night.
If you’re available, you may visit us as our guest at the NCTM in Salisbury, NC anytime between the hours of 8 AM and 6 PM on any of the dates mentioned above. Members will be available the entire time to greet you. However, if you wish to do so, please let us know which day and a time frame in which you would like to visit so that we can have someone expect you as every day during this schedule will be packed at the NCTM.
I apologize for taking so long to respond. I am planning to come up to NCTM this weekend, specifically on Sat sometime around 1 or 2. I look forward to seeing the layout, and to hopefully speaking with someone from the club.
Thank you,
Hello Harry,
I heard that you made it to the NC Transportation Museum this past weekend. I do hope the guys were hospital to you and that you felt welcome to join the club.
I was at the Autumn Rail train show in Fletcher, NC and arrived late in the afternoon on Sunday up at Spencer.
The Metrolina Model Railroaders club will have a club meeting this Thursday night on October 10th, 2019. We will meet for dinner first at 6:15 PM at the Captain’s Cap (you pay for what you order). Then we will visit RB’s house for the actual meeting from 7:30 to 10:30. You are welcome to join us at Captain’s Cap and follow us from there to RB’s. This is the first meeting of October occurring on the 2nd Thursday of the month. Hopefully you will get this invitation in a timely manner.
Best Regards,
Henry, on behalf of the MMRR.
I did indeed make it to the NCTM this past weekend, and really enjoyed meeting several of the club members and seeing the layout. They were very nice and welcoming, and the layout was very impressive.
Thank you for letting me know about Thursday’s meeting, but unfortunately I will not be able to make it this time as I already have a prior commitment. Please let me know when next the club will meet, as I am very interested in meeting everyone else and participating further.
Thank you,