The Metrolina Model Railroaders Club (MMRR) are a group of modelers that built, maintain and have lots of fun operating a somewhat portable modular HO Scale model railroad layout known as the “French Broad and Catawba Railroad” (FB&C). This fictitious railroad is set in the Piedmont, NC area during the mid 1950’s.
MMRR has been active for over 30 years in the Charlotte, NC area. Most of our member’s model in HO scale but all modelers of all skill levels are always welcome to join us.
The flexibility of the FB&C modular layout gives us the opportunity to display our layout at regional ‘Model Train Shows’ and other special events. The two primary events where the MMRR showcase layouts are the “Southern Christmas Show” held in November in Charlotte, N.C. and the Daniel Stowe Botanical Garden “Holiday Lights at The Garden” presentation held in December in Belmont, NC. In recent years, the Metrolina Model Railroaders Club layout the FB&C has been honored to be on display in the Back Shop at the North Carolina Transportation Museum during most of the spring and summer months from late March thru September.

NC Transportation Museum in Spencer on September 27, 2019
The MMRR is an all National Model Railroaders Association club meaning that all of our members are also members of the NMRA. We meet frequently. We encourage your support and visitation at any location where we are displaying and running trains. Use our calendar to see where we will be each month. To become a member start by using our Join Us page.
New members of all ages and skills are welcome.